Tar Heel.
what's yours will find you
what's yours will find you ⭑
what brings me joy
Proficient in Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects, Canva, and Procreate.
Experienced in creating logo designs, flyers, social media posts, mockups, and social media layouts.
Creating and executing a marketing and branding strategy utilizing strategic communications and graphic design knowledge. Grow an audience and increase engagement.
Creating a consistent branding package that is maintained across platforms including websites, Facebook, Instagram, VSCO, and Tiktok.
Managing several social media accounts including a fashion inspiration blog on Instagram surpassing 2.5k followers and a Pinterest lifestyle account with over 2M impressions and 121k organic engagements.
Maintaining positive public relations through communication with companies and other organizations about partnerships.
Crafting crisis response statements that reflect the values of the organization on a micro and macro level.
Creating a brand image and messaging; maintaining that image to influence the public in a positive way.